
Dr. Danny Bernard Martin

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Dr. Danny Bernard Martin ( University of Illinois at Chicago) is Professor of Education and Mathematics. He teaches content and methods courses in the undergraduate elementary education program as well as courses in the PhD program in Mathematics and Science Education. Prior to coming to UIC, he was an Instructor and Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Contra Costa College (California) for 14 years, serving as Chair for three years, and was a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow from 1998-2000. 

Dr. Martin's research has focused primarily on understanding the salience of race and identity in Black learners’ mathematical experiences, taking into account sociohistorical and structural forces, community forces, school forces, and individual agency. He draws from cultural-ecological theory, critical theories of race, critical sociology, racial identity development theory, and culture-practice theory. His empirical research has spanned middle school, high school, community college, and university contexts, and has also focused on Black parents and families. He has developed a perspective that frames mathematics learning and participation as racialized forms of experience. More recently, his work has focused on critical analyses of mathematics education policy and research, examining each of these contexts as instantiations of white institutional space, and exploring how knowledge production in each context reifies racial hierarchies of mathematical ability. Dr. Martin is author of the book Mathematics Success and Failure Among African Youth (2000, Erlbaum), co-author of The Impact of Identity in K–8 Mathematics Learning and Teaching (2013, NCTM), editor of Mathematics Teaching, Learning, and Liberation in the Lives of Black Children (2009, Routledge), and co-editor of The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward New Discourse (2013, Information Age).